Leadership Development

Award Winners

Learning Provider of the Year 2020 
Asia Pacific Institute of Learning & Performance (APILP)

You want effective leaders. You know development is important to your employees. Let a Learning and Development Consultant in Adelaide help you identify your employees’ development needs. Development at Work Australia can help you develop your employees and leaders to: improve retention; performance; workplace wellbeing and satisfaction.

Want development for your people – and want it to be fun?

Would you like your team to grow, develop and learn in an atmosphere of peace 2020’s “Learning Provider of the Year”? Ask Bridget to design tailored training for your people – or join our Equine Assisted Learning country retreat days and have horses be the facilitator! Horses can’t lie, they’re not biased – let Equine Assisted Learning help you develop self-awareness about your communication and leadership skills, in a beautiful country environment one hour from Adelaide. 

Bridget delivers many types of Leadership Skills, Wellbeing, Change Management and Team Building workshops to businesses and organisations. 

At the end of the day, individuals are connecting within themselves to create the shifts that ultimately transfer back to the workplace. We have some high-end content and training when it comes to interpersonal skill development including; developing relationships, effective communication, active listening, articulation, problem solving and team development. 

Development at Work Australia will always bring you a unique, tailored experience – whether you opt for indoor or outdoor training with us. You’ll enjoy working with us as you bring greater awareness to your leadership style, organisational performance and the workplace experience of your employees.

Previous participants say our training opened their eyes, helped them see other team members in a different light and gave them greater self-awareness.

Individual and Leadership Development – popular workshops we tailor for you

If your organisation needs individual or leadership development – ask Development at Work Australia for tailored assistance, email bridget@developmentatwork.com.au for information about our services and for a free, no obligation meeting at your premises.

We provide leadership skills development from supervisor level upwards and development of skills in the areas of: attraction, selection of staff, retention, change management and workplace wellbeing.

We can design, tailor and facilitate workshops on many such topics. A few of our most popular workshop titles are:

Equine Assisted Learning to develop greater self-awareness, team connection, communication and leadership skills – you choose the focus, we tailor the content

Attracting and Retaining Talent Masterclass – for the top team, HR Managers and those who need to write a Strategic Attraction and Retention Plan

The Managers Role in Retention – to help people managers to manage retention

Planning and Managing the People Aspects of Change – for change leaders and the HR team.

Understanding and Managing Your Team’s Reaction to Change – for team leaders and managers at all levels

Building Resilience in a Time of Change and Uncertainty – for professionals with no staff management responsibilities and team members

Performance Conversations – for people managers

Recruiting for Success in a Tough Marketplace – for business owners and people managers

Interview Skills – for managers responsible for recruitment interviewing, or for interviewees

Career Change workshops – maintaining emotional wellbeing and finding a new job, includes topics such as: resume writing; finding the hidden jobs; job search skills (online and face to face); interview skills; what employers are looking for. These workshops are for those seeking internal promotion, those being re-deployed and those whose position is about to be redundant.

Developing an in-house mentoring program

Performance Conversations – motivating and developing staff without the dreaded annual appraisal

Energising Your Team – The Three Signs of a Miserable Job for managers and the HR team.

Managing Outplacement and Redundancy – for business owners and managers

Situational Leadership – for people managers

Competences and their use in organisations – for business owners, managers and HR.

Getting the Values Off the Wall – and into people’s hearts, minds and the practices of the organisation – workshops for change leaders and for everyone

Exit interviews – for the HR team or business owners

Identifying and Managing Mental Health Issues and Counselling Support in the Workplace

Case Studies

Bridget Hogg, Principal Consultant, Development at Work Australia has designed and delivered development centres in Australia, Europe and the Asia Pacific – identifying top talent against the organisation’s competences and helping managers to plan a succession plan and department path for each individual. Bridget is a major contributor to, “Development Centres” edited by David Beard and Geoff Lee, published in the McGraw Hill Training Series. Bridget has researched, designed and delivered leadership training, interview skills training, and workplace wellbeings programs across South Australia for clients such as Amcor Glass, Helping Hand, City of Unley and Adelaide University. Development at Work Australia is the only organisation in Adelaide that combines traditional facilitated workshops on topics such as leadership, communication, wellbeing and change with the benefits of Equine Assisted Learning – to give you the best of both worlds.

Individual and Team Development to improve workplace wellbeing, collaboration, communication and leadership skills.

Do you want to improve Wellbeing in your organisation? Are you an entrepreneur seeking more insight into how you communicate and collaborate with your customers, suppliers and contractors?

We design and run tailored Wellbeing Programs – focusing on developing psychological wellbeing and improved self-awareness. Using established Wellbeing development tools and exercises, and the horses as facilitators, we design a program specifically for the needs of each group. Contact bridget@developmentatwork.com.au if you wish to develop self-awareness around your communication style, collaboration style and leadership. Executives and entrepreneurs can opt for a program with other entrepreneurs, CEO’s and Executives that focuses on:

• Communication Style
• Wellbeing
• Performance Conversations
• Effective Workplace Communication
• Managing the A Team, or
• Entrepreneurial Leaders – Servant Leadership Without Being Overlooked!

To see more on Wellbeing research, tools, initiatives and resources, like the face book page and join the face book group.

Radio Interview on Psychological Wellbeing

Click here to listen to Bridget Hogg, Principal Consultant, Development at Work Australia being interviewed for 20 minutes on psychological wellbeing on the Ways to Wellbeing blogtalk radio.

Individual Development – upcoming public workshops

Call us for details of our workshops and to enquire about public and in-house workshops, individual or group coaching. We design workshops to meet your needs. Our workshop design is informed by our background, training and experience in human resources, NLP (Practitioner), counselling, learning and development and business and positive psychology (BSc Hons MSc).

Executives, CEO’s and Entrepreneurs can join a public program with Bridget and our Equine facilitators that develops increased self-awareness of one or more of:

• Communication Style under Pressure
• Psychological Wellbeing
• Performance Conversations
• Effective Workplace Communication
• Managing the A Team
• Entrepreneurial Leaders – Servant Leadership Without Being Overlooked!

email bridget@developmentatwork.com.au to register your interest and find out more.

Leadership Development

Leadership Development – to improve retention, performance and wellbeing

We can help you build leadership skills in your organisation, at team leader to CEO level. Ask about a combined classroom and Equine Assisted Program for your Executives or team members to build greater awareness of communication, collaboration and leadership style. We also run public programs for CEO’s, Business Owners and Entrepreneurs who wish to develop their self-awareness in a peer group.

Employee retention, employee satisfaction and employee and organisational performance can all be improved by effective leadership development. Ask us for help. We will talk with you about your needs and then design and facilitate a tailored leadership development program with you.

Leadership Development improves retention

Are you retaining the employees you need? If not, how can we help you?

Would you like us to work with you to identify the causes of high turnover, to improve retention?

Do you know what employees and potential employees think about working for you? Is your Employer Brand going to help you retain the staff you need to keep?

Do you know why your top performers leave?

Do you know why your staff want to stay with your organisation (i.e. your key retention factors?)

Do you want to create Wellbeing and a happy environment, which leads to motivation, retention and accomplishment?

Are you looking for help to develop an effective Strategic Retention Plan?

Development at Work Australia can help you to identify the key retention factors in your organisation. We can help you to develop your strengths and address areas which need development.

We can help you to retain staff and create a happy, productive organisation.

We can assist you to:

Identify the key retention factors for your organisation or industry. Help you discover what people think about working for your organisation – and help you to develop an Employer Brand that leads to improved retention

Determine how much your planned initiatives will add to employee tenure. Help your managers understand their role in retention. Help your managers to effectively manage the people aspects of change

Help your managers understand what they can do to motivate and retain employees

Tailor The Managers Role in Retention™ program for your managers and run it in-house to improve your staff retention rates

Help you choose and use the best retention strategies for your organisation and targeted groups of employees.

Help you develop, implement and monitor your Strategic Attraction and Retention Plan.

Retention Training

We provide many training workshops to improve employee retention (all tailored to your needs). These include:

The Attracting and Retaining Talent Masterclass, for those responsible for developing and implementing a Strategic Attraction and Retention Plan.

The Managers Role in Retention™

Performance Conversations – how to motivate and inspire all your staff

Managing the People Aspects of Change

Creating Wellbeing in Your Organisation

Attracting and Retaining Talent Masterclass

Book your in-house Masterclass now to develop your organisations Strategic Attraction and Retention plan as a top team. The Masterclass is facilitated by Bridget Hogg, designer and facilitator of the very first Attracting and Retaining Talent Masterclass in Australia, in 2004. These Masterclasses have been held with executive teams, business associations and professional organisations across Australia since 2004 – book yours now.

The Masterclass covers:

The key issues around attraction and retention of talent in your organisation, based on industry research

Employer Branding

Employee Value Propositions

How your attraction and retention strategy will impact on your recruitment, organisation development and the whole of the employee lifecycle.

Drafting your Strategic Attraction and Retention Plan

The outcome of the Masterclass is a draft Strategic Attraction and Retention Plan with ideas around your Employer Brand (your current brand and desired, future Brand) and Employee Value Propositions captured.

Register your interest for an in-house or industry Attracting and Retaining Talent Masterclass now by emailing bridget@developmentatwork.com.au

What do people say about Development at Work Australia’s workshops and development programs?

The testimonials section of our website has many compliments and accolades from clients who love the way we help them. We have helped over 200 organisations (both public and private sector) to manage staff retention, improve workplace wellbeing, develop selection skills and raise leadership skills. Our programs include personalised support and coaching – from assistance with developing a retention plan, to determining key causes of, and solutions to, voluntary staff resignation.

To hear what participants say about how Development at Work Australia training and development programs help them click here

Don’t miss any of our public development events

To make sure you don’t miss out on any of our public training workshops make sure you receive Dinkum Oil – Adelaide’s monthly attraction, retention and change e-newsletter. Click here to see the latest issue of Dinkum Oil, our e-newsletter and click here to request that we send you the newsletter with updates on forthcoming public workshops.

In addition, to make sure you know about free workshops and events – or last minute events that miss the newsletter – please ‘Like’ our Facebook page.

Our client experience – what our clients say

Here are just a few of our client testimonials

Managing the People Aspects of Change

“Bridget was highly recommended to me by another organisation and when the time arose to use her services I could not have been more pleased. Part of our organisation was going through a restructure, so with Bridget’s expertise we were able to offer external support to our employees and this service was used by a number of them. To also assist myself and a couple of managers, I sought Bridget’s expertise to run a workshop on “Managing the People Aspects of Change”. This was presented professionally but flexible to those attending.”
Paula Ridge, (formerly Human Resources Coordinator, South Australian Cricket Association)

“I found Bridget to be a true professional. In her pre-workshop briefings, in her delivery and in her post workshop follow-up she impressed everyone with her attention to detail, her understanding of the client’s needs, her thorough approach and her personable, capable manner. I recommend Bridget to you without hesitation.”
Adrian Skull (formerly OD Manager, Adelaide City Council, now at City of Marion)

Attracting and Retaining Talent Masterclass

“The Attracting and Retaining Talent Masterclass was probably the best one day training course I have attended in the last ten years. Bridget’s easy-going presentation style enabled plenty of interaction amongst the attendees and we were able to share our experiences in trying to attract and retain staff. The Masterclass was extremely informative and provided a very useful, practical and appropriate model for the development of a Workforce Attraction and Retention Plan. I have already used the model to develop a strategic plan for a specific work group. I wish more training courses were as good as the Masterclass!”
John Windsor, Human Resource Manager, SA Dental Service

Interview Skills

“Well done, interactive, involving, you kept us engaged. You are a gifted teacher”
from a participant on our Interview Skills for Small Business Owners workshop

The Managers Role In Retention™

“Well done Bridget on another riveting and inspiring workshop! The Managers Role in Retention is a brilliant opportunity to further understand the importance of attracting and retaining talent, particularly with the prediction of staff shortages over the next few decades. This workshop encourages you to think laterally and consider various scenarios and strategies. Although we all endeavour to retain our staff, this workshop is a reminder that we can always do it better…” Dee Kazek-Hoad, Human Resources Manager, d’Arenberg Pty Ltd

Performance Conversations

“The Performance Conversations and Feedback session run by Bridget was extremely useful. Having only managed staff for a few years, I was keen to extend my thinking about managing performance. The day reiterated to me the importance of continuous feedback and communication. The workshop assisted me to develop some strategies to ensure that this topic stayed on my agenda and becomes part of my everyday practice with staff. The workshop allowed us to also share some of our more frustrating performance management issues, and work through these. It was a great exercise to see how different people approach different situations and what may be the consequence of various approaches. Bridget lead the group well, allowing the group to drive some discussions, but bring it back in line when needed. The workshop has motivated me and given me more direction in my supervisory role with my staff.”
Jane Rajkowski, Regional Community Care Manager – Southern Region
Masonic Homes Incorporated

Managing Pressure at Work

“Team Dynamics was an area of concern within our business. With Development at Work Australia’s input, and hands on workshop, we were able to isolate some of the major breakdowns and areas of communication, probe these areas in more detail and then actively work on the repair process. Today, we’re a better company for this…..”
Peter Whalley, Managing Director, Sybiz Software.

“The best thing was… having the opportunity to voice my opinions in a safe environment.”
Christine Morris (formerly HR Consultant, DAIS)

Situational Leadership

“The best thing about this (Situational Leadership) workshop for me was the realisation that style relates to task rather than individual – can use different styles for the same person. As a result I am going to review my relationships with my team, particularly expectations, and fellow party’s performance with their team.” Bruce Spangler, CEO, Bentleys MRI

Call us to discover how we can assist you to develop your staff. We can design workshops to meet your particular needs. Our workshops are fun, participative and informative.

You want effective leaders. You know development is important to your employees. Let a Learning and Development Consultant in Adelaide help you identify your employees’ development needs. Development at Work Australia can help you develop your employees and leaders to: improve retention; performance; workplace wellbeing and satisfaction.

Development at Work Australia is there for you

Development at Work Australia can help you.

Contact us on 0477 016 966 or email bridget@developmentatwork.com.au for help and advice about attraction, retention, managing the people aspects of change and creating workplace wellbeing.

Please view the latest issue of our newsletter – .

Click here for radio interview with Bridget Hogg on psychological wellbeing (20 minutes).

LinkedIn – Development at Work Australia.

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